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摘 要 保护性耕作是国际农业技术发展的重要趋势,秸秆还田技术是机械化 保护性耕作中关键的一项技术。使用机械化秸秆还田技术可以有效地解决农忙期间争农时、争劳力的矛盾,有力推动秸秆还田的农业全程机械化进程,避免由于焚烧秸秆产生的环境污染。本着一机多用、降低生产成本的原则,研制了既能满足玉米秸秆、又能单独实现旋耕作业的新型玉米秸秆还田机。
关键词 变速箱;秸秆粉碎机;甩刀;结构及工作原理
The hydraulic cylinder head drilling fixture design
The protection cultivation is the most important international agriculturaltechnology development tendency.The smashed straw technology is one essential technology of the mechanized protection cultivation.Using smashed straw machines call effectively solve the problems that striving for time and labour during the busying farming time,and Can make the agricultural entire mechanization come幻truth.It also call avoid envkonment pollution caused by straw setting on fire.According to multi-function and reducing production COst,multi—function smashed straw machine WaS developed.It not only Can smash st“1w together with the stubble and put it back to the farmland to increase the nutrient once time but also Can according to Our practical necessityto choose rotary tilling single function.
(1)On the basic of studying the elementary theory of smaShing straw,the integral structure design plan ofmulti-functionmachine WaS introduced. The machine is mainly composed of hanng system,gearbox,belttransmission system,stalk-soil returning roller,rotary tiller roller,and depth limit roller.Power is transmitted from the tractor shaft to the power output gearbox.One shaft ofthe gearbox is acceleratedby both bevel gears and strap transmission.And then it drives the stalk—smashing knives revolving quickly. Another is moved by the bevel gears and strap wheel to drive the rotary tiller working.
(2)The innovativepoint is the design of new gearbox,which has realized
the composite work or sinsle work of smashing straw,stubble and rotary
tillage for the first time.It makes one machine has two uses.The gearbox is mainly composed ofbevel gears,poking fork,clutch,and bearings.Using the separation or union between the clutch and gears,the separation or union of the power canbe realized.So,the machine call choose smashed straw work or rotary tillage work.And the intension of bevel gears, belts,axes are checked.
After rotary tillage work,the farmland is smooth.It Can satisfy the agronomy request andcan carryOll the following sowing seedswork directly.
Keywords gearbox;smashed straw maehiFie;Structures and working mechanism;
1引言 1
1.1课题的意义 1
1.2秸秆粉碎机具的国内外研究 2
1.3课题的研究内容 5
2技术任务书(JR) 5
2.1设计依据 5
2.2产品用途及使用范围 5
2.3主要工作原理 6
2.4主要技术参数 6
2.5关键问题及解决方法 7
3设计计算说明书(SS) 7
3.1总体方案 7
3.2总体结构及工作原理 8
3.2.1结构组成 8
3.2.2主要技术参数 8
3.3主要零部件的设计计算 10
3.3.1配套动力计算 14
3.3.2变速箱设计 15
3.3.3主轴及粉碎部件的设计 16
3.4主要零件的强度校核 19
4使用说明书(SS) 23
4.1型号及名称 23
4.2结构及工作 26
4.3使用与保养 26
4.4安全注意事项 27
5技术条件(JT) 28
5.1检验规则 28
5.1.1检验的划分 28
5.1.2出厂检验 28
5.1.3型式检验 28
6结论 29
参考文献 31
致谢 33
- 毕业设计-玉米秸秆粉碎机设计
- lilei毕业设计 (2)
- 外文翻译.doc [58.00KB]
- 开题报告.doc [69.50KB]
- 毕业设计(论文)-秸秆粉碎机的设计(含全套图纸).doc [1.86MB]
- A3-轴承盖.dwg [148.42KB]
- A2-主轴.dwg [239.44KB]
- A2-刀辊轴.dwg [221.83KB]
- A1-锥齿轮.dwg [273.32KB]
- A1-链轮.dwg [213.23KB]
- A0-秸秆粉碎机.dwg [592.38KB]
- A0-机架.dwg [478.82KB]