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摘 要
关键词: 高校市场 ; 大学生群体 ; 校园营销; 营销模式
With the continuously increasing number of university student,the university student consume market will become the unique and full potential suggestion market.Understood the university student the consumption condition of characteristics and reality,analyzing how to hold tight the market opportunity,draw up right of marketing strategy,thus succeeds develops the university student consumption market.The marketing subjects should spread the health consumption idea,guiding the university student reasonableness consume,take creates the customer to be satisfied and the long-term social welfare as the business goal.
Through the investigation and analysis of the university students and college market,this article find that compares with other markets below,the university student expense behavior has the bright characteristic:Expense demand cross and multi—level;The expense behavior fashion and follows the crowd the nature;The expense motive has at the same time impulsiveness and the reason;The expense behavior luxurious and is simple parallel.So whether it is in business, logistics group, or a student and community,all of those should choose the correct effective marketing model according to themselves circumstance. And through continuous reform to make the university campus marketing develop fast and good.
Key words: College Market ; University Student Group ; Campus Marketing ; Marketing Model
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 论文的选题背景和研究意义 1
1.2 国内外文献综述 2
1.3 论文的主要研究内容 4
2.高校市场与大学生群体特征分析 5
2.1 高校市场营销环境特征 5
2.1.1 宏观环境 5
2.1.2 微观环境 5
2.2 大学生群体消费行为特征 5
2.2.1 消费观念与态度: 5
2.2.2 基本特点 6
2.2.3 普遍需求与影响因素 6
3. 高校校园现有营销模式分析与总结 8
3.1 企业营销模式 8
3.1.1 产品校园推广 8
3.1.2 校园代理 9
3.1.3 “动感地带”高校营销实例 10
3.2 学生营销模式 11
3.2.1 个人营销 11
3.2.2 社团营销 11
3.3 后勤集团营销模式 13
3.3.1 经营项目及特点 13
3.3.2 “一卡通”营销方案 14
3.4 现有营销模式总结 15
4. 高校校园营销新理念 16
4.1 大学生市场定位(基于企业) 16
4.2 在校学生自主创业与“关系营销”(基于学生) 17
4.3 后勤集团竞争性营销改革(基于后勤集团) 17
5. 高校校园营销发展之探讨 19
5.1 大学城内的“贸易市场” 19
5.2 校园网络营销组合 19
6. 总结 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
- 毕业论文-高校校园营销模式与新理念的研究
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