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Design of Cover Injection Mould
Student: Chen Ai
Tutor: Chen Li-Hang
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract: First to design of the product process analysis and calculation, the plastics used by the propylene, butadiene styrene three monomers copolymerization and become ABS for material, then on the basis of the analysis and calculation to determine molding process solutions for exactly a cavity, push rod launch, point runner, single parting surface, runner set inside the mainstream way adopts cone, selection of formwork for standard formwork, guide pin guide with the installation of Z1 installation way, and on the basis of this total into the mold of assembly structure design and size determination. On the basis of the main parts especially injection mold size discusses h0 during the design and calculation, the plastic molding related to reference through all kinds of plastic material and mould design manual, and through the calculation to determine the specific structure and size mold and molding parts related size, through continuous calculation and modification, and in guiding teacher of meticulous care and patience under guidance of uninterrupted repeated revision, eventually independent completed the graduation design. In the design process, the main forming parts adopt insert or structure, beneficial to the processing.
In addition, the graduation design is learned in my university of knowledge comprehensive inspection and examination, pass the graduation design makes me understand and master the many deeper knowledge, and the whole process is done independently, promoted oneself ability, in the whole design process, introduces the basic characteristics of molded parts material and forming characteristics, die structure composition, structure characteristics, working principle, design principle, the injection molding machine relevant parameters, mould material and heat treatment requirements, etc. Among the gating system, molding parts, structure parts, launch institutions and exhaust system, cooling system, and presented.
Key word: injection mould; gating system; side gate
目 录
摘要 1
关键字 1
1 前言 2
2 塑件工艺分析 3
2.1 塑件原材料的分析 4
2.2 塑件结构和尺寸精度、表面质量分析 5
2.3 塑件注射工艺参数的确定 5
2.4 计算塑件的体积和质量 5
3 成型方案及模具类型 6
3.1 确定模具类型 6
3.2 确定模具类型的主要结构 8
3.2.1 分型面的选择 8
3.2.2 型腔的排列方式的确定 9
3.2.3 浇注系统的设计 10
3.2.4 排气系统的设计 16
4 脱模机构设计 16
5 推出机构的设计 17
6. 冷却系统的设计 19
7. 成型零件的设计 22
7.1 成型零件的结构设计 22
7.2 成型零件的工作尺寸计算 23
7.2.1 影响塑件尺寸精度的因素 23
7.2.2 成型零部件工作尺寸计算 24
8 抽芯机构的设计 26
8.1 侧向分型与抽芯方式 26
8.2 侧向分型与侧抽芯机构的类型的选用 26
8.2.1 斜导柱侧抽芯机构的工作原理 26
8.2.2 斜导柱侧抽芯机构的组成形式 27
8.3 斜导柱的侧抽芯机构设计 28
8.3.1 斜导柱的设计 28
8.3.2 滑块的设计 29
8.3.3 楔紧块的设计 30
8.4 斜顶的设计 31
9 塑料模材料及选用 31
9.1 模具成型零件对材料的要求 31
9.2 塑料模材料 32
10 注塑模在注射机上调试及试模 35
10.1 注射机有关参数的校核 35
11 结论 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37
- 毕业设计-端盖注射模设计
- 26-端盖注射模设计
总装图.dwg [960.00KB]
中期检查表.doc [31.59KB]
指导检查工作情况登记表.doc [13.67KB]
选题审批表.doc [32.05KB]
任务书.doc [69.00KB]
开题论证审批表.doc [49.24KB]
工作记录表.docx [12.43KB]
陈爱的目录.doc [49.00KB]
陈爱的封面.docx [11.85KB]
陈爱.docx [634.05KB]
毕业论文(设计)成绩评定册.doc [32.31KB]
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