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Design of Composite Mould For Transformer Oil Storage Cabinets Cover
Student: Liu Ying
Tutor: Cheng Wenkai Professor
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract: In this design,there is a raised structure in the middle of the transformer oil storage cabinets cover. So it is needed a mosaic-style punch to make the workpiece possible to rip plastic and reshaped in the drawing process. The mould is in a smooth structure.In other words,taking the pin-lift arrangement to push out the workpiece from the bottom up to the top.Through the analysis of the structure of the transformer oil storage cabinets and the craftwork of figuration,and through the calculation the rough size,pressure and the cutting edge size A compound die structure combined with blanking,drawing,punching the three processes as an arganic whole was carried out..In this whole design process, the mould’s structural components and supporting structure is the roughcast priority excogitation.At last,by checking the strength of the mould in order to prove its possibility to contribute the products high quality and develop the cover productivity.
Key words: the composite mould for the cover;blanking; deep drawing; punching
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 工件工艺性分析 2
2.1 工件图纸分析 2
2.2 工序顺序的确定 3
3 制定工艺方案 4
3.1 工艺方案的分析 4
3.1.1修边余量的计算 4
3.1.2毛坯尺寸的计算 4
3.1.3确定拉深系数 8
3.1.4确定是否使用压边圈 9
3.2 工艺方案的确定 9
4工艺计算 9
4.1 材料排样及材料利用率的计算 9
4.2 确定板料规格和裁料方式 10
4.3 压力中心的计算 10
4.4 刃口尺寸与公差的计算 11
4.4.1落料 11
4.4.2拉深 12
4.4.3冲孔 12
4.5 冲压力的计算及冲压设备的初选 13
4.5.1落料 13
4.5.2拉深 14
4.5.3冲孔 15
5 模具总体分析 16
5.1 模具工作过程的分析 16
6 模具主要零部件的结构设计 16
6.1 模具工作部分零件 16
6.1.1落料凸模 16
6.1.2落料凹模 17
6.1.3拉深凸模 17
6.1.4拉深凹模 17
6.1.5冲孔凸模 18
6.1.6冲孔凹模 18
6.2 安装紧固零件的设计 18
6.2.1模柄的设计 18
6.2.2模架的设计 18
6.2.3上、下模座的设计 18
6.2.4固定板的设计 19
6.2.5垫板的设计 19
6.2.6螺钉的设计 19
6.2.7销钉的设计 20
6.3 导向零件的设计 20
6.3.1导柱 20
6.3.2导套 20
6.4 卸料和顶件装置的设计 21
6.4.1卸料装置的设计 21
6.4.2顶件装置的设计 22
7 模具强度校核 23
7.1 冲孔凸模的强度校核 23
7.2 螺钉的强度校核 23
8 冲压设备的选定 24
8.1 压力机类型的选择 24
8.2 压力机规格的确定 24
9 结论 25
参考文献 25
致 谢 26
附 录 26
- 毕业设计-变压器储油柜端盖复合模设计
- 37-变压器储油柜端盖复合模设计
- 刘英200741914213(变压器储油柜端盖复合模设计——说明书定稿)
- 刘英200741914213(变压器储油柜端盖复合模设计——说明书定稿).doc [766.50KB]
- 刘英200741914213(变压器储油柜端盖复合模具设计——上交表格)
- 选题审批表.files
- themedata.thmx [3.01KB]
- header.htm [1.68KB]
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- colorschememapping.xml [314.00B]
- 中期检查表.doc [18.81KB]
- 选题审批表.htm [24.02KB]
- 选题审批表.doc [25.50KB]
- 开题论证审批表(刘英—东方07级机制2班200741914213).doc [33.97KB]
- 毕业论文(设计)成绩评定册.doc [20.89KB]
- 刘英200741914213(变压器储油柜端盖复合模具设计——CAD图)
- 装配图1A0.dwg [402.39KB]
- 卸料板A2011.bak [59.09KB]
- 卸料板12.bak [82.03KB]
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