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构,把原来的减速传动改为盘形电机直驱形式,并设计了 Halbach 阵列盘形永磁
真,在给定空间内分别设计和制作了传统盘形电机和 Halbach 阵列盘形电机的转
本论文首次提出了“单层转子-高导磁定子盘”式 Halbach 阵列盘形电机结构,
的电机性能优于双转子式 Halbach 盘形电机,使电机转矩更大。
关键词:陀螺仪壳体翻滚装置;横向磁场电机;盘形电机;Halbach 阵列;
Rotation-dwell auto-compensation device of gyroscope is used to modulate and
average disturbance moments. In traditional rotation-dwell auto-compensation device,
the DC-machine is put outside the shell of the device, rotating the case through sets of
gears. Due to the position of the machine, the device is not small enough in terms of
radius. Furthermore, due to the low speed of the case’s rotation, the device does not
take advantage of the high speed features of DC-machine, and gears bring the
problems of control difficulty and low mechanical efficiency. In order to further reduce
the size of the device, and meanwhile improve the smoothness of the rotation, a
miniature device is needed.
This paper presented a miniature device structure without changing size of the
shell. A disc machine was designed to propel the case directly. The content of this
paper is as follows: first the principles of all kinds of transverse flux machines (TFM)
and disc machines were researched, and preliminarily designed respectively. Then this
paper applied finite element analysis (FEA) to unveil the effect of structural
parameters to the magnitude of axial flux density in the gap and the root-mean-square
(RMS) error of its fit to sinusoidal curve in disc machine, and after that, the rotor,
permanent magnets, stator support and stator windings of both traditional disc machine
and disc machine with Halbach array were designed respectively, together with
relevant apparatus. Finally this paper performed experiments on the measurement of
the device’s frictional torque and presented the machine.
A Halbach-array disc machine with single rotor and stator support of high
magnetic conductance is the unique feature of this work, which may enhance both flux
density and the RMS error of its fit to sinusoidal curve while decreasing flux leakage
and increasing heat convection, and at the same time, producing greater torque.
Keywords: Rotation-dwell Auto-compensation Device; Transverse Flux Machine;
Disc Machine; Halbach Array; Structure of Single Rotor and Stator Support of High
Magnetic Conductance
第 1 章
引言 ............. 1
1.1 研究背景 ..... 1
1.2 传统陀螺仪壳体翻滚装置设计方案分析 ......... 1
1.3 本论文的主要工作和研究目标 ........... 5
1.3.1 本论文的主要工作 ...... 5
1.3.2 本论文的研究目标 ...... 5
第 2 章横向磁场电机(TFM)的原理和设计 .... 6
2.1 横向磁场电机特点和分类 ..... 6
2.2 TFM 原型机工作原理............ 6
2.3 单边平板式 TFM 工作原理... 8
2.4 聚磁式 TFM 工作原理........... 9
2.4.1 有源转子型 .... 9
2.4.2 无源转子型 .. 10
2.5 磁阻式 TFM 工作原理..........11
2.5.1 永磁体型 .......11
2.5.2 无永磁体型 .. 13
2.6 各类 TFM 的比较... 13
2.7 三相 TFM.. 14
2.7.1 单相 TFM 的启动问题 ............ 14
2.7.2 三相 TFM 的启动原理与正反转控制 .. 15
2.8 三相无源转子型聚磁式 TFM 初步设计......... 16
2.8.1 TMF 结构设计 ........... 16
2.8.2 TMF 转矩估算 ........... 18
2.8.3 TMF 设计总结 ........... 20
第 3 章盘形电机的原理和设计 ....... 21
3.1 传统盘形电机的工作原理 ... 21
3.2 Halbach 阵列盘形电机的工作原理 .. 21
3.3 多相 Halbach 阵列盘形电机 ............. 25
3.4 多相理想 Halbach 阵列盘形电机零转矩脉动特性 ..... 26
3.5 多相理想 Halbach 阵列盘形电机的最大输出转矩 ..... 27
3.6 两相盘形电机初步设计 ....... 28
第 4 章盘形电机气隙磁密的仿真和优化 ..... 30
4.1 盘形电机建模 ......... 30
4.2 双转子式盘形电机气隙磁密仿真 ..... 32
4.3 盘形电机优化设计:单层转子-高导磁定子盘结构 ... 34
4.3.1 单层转子-高导磁定子盘传统盘形电机磁密特性仿真 ... 35
4.3.2 单层转子-高导磁定子盘 Halbach 阵列盘形电机磁密特性仿真.. 36
第 5 章盘形电机与相关工装的设计 ............. 38
5.1 盘形电机与相关工装的构成 ............. 38
5.2 永磁体设计 ............. 38
5.3 转子支架设计 ......... 39
5.4 转子盖板设计 ......... 40
5.5 定子盘设计 ............. 40
5.6 定子定位结构设计 . 42
5.7 传统盘形电机定子电枢设计 ............. 43
5.8 Halbach 阵列盘形电机定子电枢设计 ............ 45
5.8.1 一组受力边及组内连接线设计 ............ 47
5.8.2 组间连接线设计 ........ 47
5.8.3 正反面连接线设计 .... 48
5.8.4 Halbach 阵列盘形电机定子电枢设计小结 ........ 48
5.9 永磁体装配夹具设计 ........... 49
5.9.1 分组夹具盘与整装夹具盘设计 ............ 49
5.9.2 夹具定位片设计 ........ 50
5.9.3 夹具测试结果 ............ 50
5.10第 6 章电机测试工装设计 ........... 51
5.10.1 轴系设计 ...... 51
5.10.2 转盘设计 ...... 52
陀螺仪壳体翻滚装置测试及电机组装 ........... 53
6.1 本体相关参数测量 . 53
6.2 本体摩擦转矩测量 . 53
6.2.1 挂载片设计 .. 54
6.2.2 摩擦转矩测量 ............ 54
6.3 盘形电机机械结构装配 ....... 55
第 7 章
结论与展望 ............. 57
7.1 本文结论 ... 57
7.2 前景与展望 ............. 58
插图索引 ..... 59
表格索引 ..... 62
参考文献 ..... 63
- 毕业论文-陀螺仪壳体翻滚装置的小型化设计
毕业论文-陀螺仪壳体翻滚装置的小型化设计.doc [12.21MB]