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关键词:茶树;修剪机; 效率
Design of Tea Tree Trimmers
Student: Zeng YanFeng
Tutor: Gao Yingwu
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128,China)
Abstract:China, as the largest producer of tea, but tea pruning machine has not very high technology content, with the development of society, the tea-tree pruning machine is changed from the heavy and complex type to the light, the power from the big to small, fuel consumption usage amount is less and less, power has become increasingly strong, the failure rate is getting lower and lower, To adapt quickly to the development of China,and the responsibility as a big country, China has enough potential and capacity to do this, as Chinese people, we should recognize the importance of tea tree trimmers. The subject is on aging tea pruning , the existing problems in pruning process and the defect of presented tea cutting machine, we developed a new mechanical equipment for pruning tea , coordinated all structure parts of the machine , to improve the efficiency of tea plant pruning .
Key words: tea tree; pruning machine; efficiency
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1前言 2
1.1 研究的意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
2总体方案设计 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 结构设计及工作原理 3
3 设计分析 4
3.1传动方案的确定 4
3.1.1 对传动路线的要求 4
3.1.2 选择传动方案 4
3.2 驱动机的选择 5
3.2.1 确定参数 5
3.2.2 汽油机的选择计算 5
3.3带Ⅰ的设计 5
3.3.1 确定计算功率 5
3.3.2 选择普通V带型号 6
3.3.3 确定带轮直径 6
3.3.4 验算带速V 6
3.3.5 确定带的基准长度和实际中心距a 6
3.3.6 校验小带轮包角 7
3.3.7 确定V带根数Z 7
3.3.8 求初拉力及带轮轴上的压力 8
3.3.9 设计结果 8
3.4带Ⅱ的设计 8
3.4.1 确定计算功率 9
3.4.2 选择普通V带型号 9
3.4.3 确定带轮基准直径 9
3.4.4 验算带速V 9
3.4.5 确定带的基准长度和实际中心距 9
3.4.6 校验小带轮包角 10
3.4.7 确定V带根数Z 10
3.4.8 求初拉力及带论轴上的压力 11
3.4.9 计算结果 11
3.5轴Ⅰ的设计 11
3.5.1 轴的计算 12
3.5.2 轴的校验 13
3.5.3 轴承的选择 14
3.5.4 键的选用 15
3.6轴Ⅱ的设计 15
3.6.1 轴的计算 15
3.6.2 轴的校验 16
3.6.3 轴承的选择 17
3.6.4 键的选用 18
4刀片的设计及材料的选择 18
4.1 刀片的结构设计 18
4.2 材料的选择 18
5 总结 19
参考文献 19
致谢 20
附录 20
- 毕业设计-茶树修剪机的设计
- 50-茶树修剪机的设计
曾艳凤毕业论文修改稿.doc [718.50KB]
A4套筒.dwg [43.75KB]
A4机头FBY500-6-3.dwg [36.65KB]
A4垫圈.dwg [32.72KB]
A3轴承座驾FBY500-3.7-6-4.dwg [53.75KB]
A3机框FBY500-3.7-6-1.dwg [84.70KB]
A3刀.dwg [44.15KB]
A3带轮140 (2).dwg [178.30KB]
A0总装配修改图.dwg [447.20KB]