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Prospects for The Development of New Energy Vehicles in The Global Warming Case
Author:Chen Yi-qi
iao Ming-tao
(Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)
Abstract:Over the years, environment and resource problem has been restricting the development of society. From the view of sustainable development, put forward to develop low carbon economy, our c- ountry gradually pay attention to human and social development, more and more practical.New energy au- tomobile has become the inevitable trend of the development of modern automobile. Due to technical con- straints, new energy car still mixed. With the rapid development of national industry, the development of national economy the rapid increase, in development at the same time, it also brings a lot of nmental envi- roproblem, and is becoming more and more serious. The development of low carbon economy be imperat- ive. Automobile industry as the pillar industries of the national economy, carrying out low carbon econo- my and the development of new energy vehicles is particularly important. But because of the current tech- nology, economic policies and other factors, new energy car still faces a lot of bottleneck. The road still n- eed more capital and technology manpower. I believe that shortly after the day, new energy vehicles will replace the traditional automobile, society truly sustainable development.
Key words:global warming ; new energy; prospect
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 低碳经济与新能源汽车的定义 2
2.1 什么是低碳经济 2
2.2 新能源汽车 2
2.3 发展新能源汽车的意义 3
2.3.1 缓解汽车工业资源压力 3
2.3.2 环境压力下的必然选择 3
2.3.3 汽车排放污染的产生 3
2.3.4 汽车尾气对的成分 4
2.3.6 汽车尾气对环境的危害 6
2.4 小结 7
3 控制汽车排放的策略与方法 7
3.1 改善发动机的燃烧状况 7
3.2 改善燃油性能 8
3.3 使用排气净化装呈 8
3.4 正确的驾驶习惯 9
3.5 能新源汽车种类及其技术现状 10
3.6 与传统汽车相比,燃料电池汽车具有以下优点: 11
3.7 小结 16
4 我国发展新能源政策及发展历程 16
4.1 低碳经济下国家对于汽车产业采取的措施 16
4.2 我国新能源汽车的发展现状 17
4.2.1 我国相关政策 18
4.2.2 新能源汽车的美好前景 18
4.2.3 新能源汽车发展面临的主要问题 18
4.2.4 结论 20
4.3 发展新能源产业的国际经验及对我国的启示 24
4.3.1 日本:新能源发电和节能环保 24
4.3.2 巴西:生物能源和新能源汽车产业 25
4.3.3 对我国的启示 25
4.4 二十一世纪以来新能源汽车在我国的发展历程 26
4.5 新能源汽车前景广阔 27
4.5.1 电池是阻碍新能源汽车推广的最大壁垒 27
4.6 发展新能源汽车道路困难重重 32
4.7 小结 33
5 结论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 34
- 毕业论文-全球变暖情况下新能源汽车的发展前景
- 200841930115
全球变暖情况下新能源汽车的发展前景.doc [382.00KB]