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目 录
摘要. 1
关键词......... 1
一、绪论 ...... 2
(一)问题的提出 ... 2
(二)研究意义 ...... 3
二、激励及激励理论 . 6
(一)激励的内涵及作用 ....... 6
(二)激励的主要观点 ....... 7
三、我省涉农中小企业员工激励存在的问题. 8
(一)我省涉农中小企业基本现状........ 8
(二)企业员工激励主要存在的问题. 8
1.激励缺乏战略导向性......... 8
2.员工激励攀升通道单一....... 8
3.薪酬体系缺乏公平性.... 9
4.绩效考评体系缺乏系统性......... 9
四、完善我省涉农中小企业员工激励机制. 10
(一)建立有效员工激励机制的原则.... 10
1.坚持以人为本的原则 .. 10
2.坚持以物质激励为中心,物质激励与精神激励相结合的原则 .. 10
3.坚持奖酬分配的公平性原则...... 11
4.坚持奖酬分配的经济性原则...... 11
5.坚持激励具有系统性、创新性的原则....... 11
(二)有效的员工激励体系设计......... 11
1.基础工作体系......... 12
2.激励政策体系 14
3.考评兑现体系 15
4.激励效果评价及调控体系........ 16
1.员工激励体系实施方法 16
2.员工激励体系实施保障 16
五、结束语 .... 16
参考文献 ...... 17
致谢 ......... 18
Abstract: After the reform and opening up, China has achieved rapid development of SMEs, the entire system has played an increasingly important role in the national economy. With the advent of the knowledge economy, human resources are increasingly important and active, with operation marketization and internationalization of enterprises, especially after China's accession to the WTO, competition between human capital has become the core. Determinants of access to long-term competitiveness of enterprises is the full use of the talents and constant motivation. Motivation is at the core of human resources management, incentive mechanisms is a prerequisite for establishing modern enterprise management mechanisms and the important part. Improve the overall quality of the staff, fully stimulate enterprise employee's potential and enthusiasm are business issues that you must consider. This comprehensive application number of incentive theory in human resources management and economics, closely centering our province's agriculture-related employee motivation the subject of SMEs, using methods of combining theory and practice, through the incentive mechanism analysis about domestic and foreign employees situation, combined with the present situation and problem of incentive mechanism of agriculture-related enterprises in our province. And analysis of the main causes of the problem. Finally, in the first few chapters of analysis and discussion on the basis of comprehensive use of the incentive theory, pointed out that the basic principles of improving employee motivation mechanism. For employees of SMEs in our province's agriculture-related real-world needs and actual situation of the enterprise, has made improving employee motivation basic principles of mechanism, and the establishment of employee incentive system. Keywords: agricultural SMEs, human resources, employee motivation, incentives
Key words: Agriculture-related small and medium enterprises;human resources; employee motivation; incentives
- 毕业论文-我省涉农中小企业员工激励研究
毕业论文-我省涉农中小企业员工激励研究.doc [104.00KB]