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能源危机与水资源/水质危机是 21 世纪人类面临的两大危机。基于微藻培养
栅藻 LX1、椭圆小球藻 YJ1、雨生红球藻的不同藻种组合在灭菌二级出水中
对应的单一藻种培养。非灭菌二级出水中,椭圆小球藻 YJ1 无法正常生长,栅藻
非灭菌二级出水中,与单一藻种培养相比,栅藻 LX1 和雨生红球藻混合培养
生长速率均高于对应的单一藻种培养。栅藻 LX1、雨生红球藻的混合培养生物质
产量为 0.37 g/L,分别比二者的单一藻种培养(栅藻 LX1 0.30 g/L,雨生红球藻
0.28 g/L)高出 23.3%和 32.1%,能够提高生物质产量。
栅藻 LX1 接种比例为 91%时,栅藻 LX1 与雨生红球藻的内禀增长速率、对
LX1 干重百分比为 80%时,混合培养对微藻生物质产量的促进作用最明显。栅藻
LX1 混合培养对总油脂中三酰甘油酯(Triacylglycerols,TAG)的积累具有显著
的促进作用,其中栅藻 LX1 接种干重百分比为 91%时,与栅藻 LX1、雨生红球
藻单一藻种培养相比,TAG 在总油脂中的比重分别增加了 10 和 29 倍。不同接种
基于 Logistic 模型及 Lotka-Voltera 双种竞争模型,建立了包含初始接种比例
的微藻混合培养的生长模型,能够对二级出水条件下栅藻 LX1 和雨生红球藻的混
Energy crisis and water crisis are the two major challenges in the 21st century.
Coupling of biodiesel production and wastewater treatment based on microalgae is a
promising approach for handling both the energy crisis and water crisis. Mixed culure
is the trend of microalgae production because of its low cost and convenient
maintenance. Based on the selection of suitable microalgal species for the coupled
system, the stability, growth and lipid accumulation properties of the selected
microalgal species combination and the effects of initial algae density ratio on the
growth and lipid accumulation properties were studied, and the microalgal growth
model in mixed culture was established.
Different microalgal species combination of Scenedesmus sp. LX1, Chlorella
ellipsoidea YJ1 and Haematococcus pluvialis can grow well in the sterilized secondary
effluent of domestic wastewater, with higher intrinsic growth rate and specific growth
rate than single algae culture.
Chlorella ellipsoidea YJ1 can not grow in the unsterilized secondary effluent,
while Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Haematococcus pluvialis of both the single culture
and mix culture can growth well, with higher specific growth rate in mixed culture
than single culture. The productivity of the algae biomass by mix culture of
Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Haematococcus pluvialis was 0.37g/L, increasing by 23.3%
and 32.1% compared to the single culture of the two algae, while the productivity of
the lipid was almost the same.
When the rate of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 was 91%, the intrinsic growth rate and
specific growth rate of the two algae reached the most. The promoting effect of mix
culture on the biomass productivity was maxmized as the rate of Scenedesmus sp. LX1
was 80%. The Chlorophyll a content in the mix culture was higher than that of single
culture and was highest when the rate of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 91%. The accumulation
of TAG in the lipid was promoted by mix culture of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and
Haematococcus pluvialis. Besides, the properties of settling of the algae was almost
not changed in the single and mix culture.
Based on the Logistic Model and Lotka-Voltera Model, the the inhibition
coefficient between the two algae was calculated and it increased and then decreased
as the rate of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 increased.The microalgal growth model in mixed
culture was established and it can offer a better way to optimize the mixed culture of
Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and Haematococcus pluvialis
Keywords: microalgae, mixed culture, growth characteristic,lipid characteristic,
growth model, energy potential
第 1 章 绪论 ......1
1.1 选题背景和意义......1
1.1.1 能源与水危机及解决途径 ...1
1.1.2 微藻制备生物柴油研究背景 ......3
1.2 产油微藻及微藻混合培养研究现状..5
1.2.1 二级出水条件下的高效产油藻筛选 .5
1.2.2 微藻混合培养研究 .6
1.3 有待进一步研究的问题.8
1.4 研究目的和内容......9
1.4.1 研究目的 ...9
1.4.2 研究内容 ...9
1.4.3 技术路线 .10
第 2 章 灭菌二级出水中微藻混合培养特性研究 11
2.1 前言...11
2.2 材料和方法.....11
2.2.1 材料 ..11
2.2.2 方法 ..12
2.3 灭菌二级出水条件下微藻混合培养生长特性研究....15
2.3.1 单一藻种培养 15
2.3.2 混合培养 .16
2.3.3 单一藻种培养与混合培养生长比较 ......17
2.4 本章小结..19
第 3 章 非灭菌二级出水中微藻混合培养特性研究 ...20
3.1 前言...20
3.2 材料和方法.....20
3.2.1 材料 ..20
3.2.2 方法 ..20
3.3 实际二级出水中混合培养产油微藻抗干扰特性研究21
3.3.1 单一藻种培养抗干扰性 .....21
3.3.2 混合培养抗干扰性 ......23
3.4 实际二级出水中混合培养产油微藻生长特性研究....27
3.4.1 藻密度和生长速率 ......27
3.4.2 栅藻聚集体比例 ...29
3.4.3 放氧活性 .30
3.4.4 生物质总产量 31
3.5 实际二级出水中混合培养产油微藻产油特性研究....31
3.6 本章小结..32
第 4 章 接种比例对微藻混合培养特性影响的研究 ...34
4.1 前言...34
4.2 材料和方法.....34
4.2.1 材料 ..34
4.2.2 方法 ..35
4.3 不同接种比例下混合培养微藻生长特性......37
4.3.1 藻密度与生长速率 ......37
4.3.2 栅藻 LX1 聚集体比例 .40
4.3.3 叶绿素含量及放氧活性 .....40
4.3.4 生物质产量 ....41
4.4 不同接种比例下混合培养微藻产油特性......42
4.5 不同接种比例下混合培养微藻沉降特性......44
4.6 本章小结..45
第 5 章 微藻混合培养生长动力学模型建立 .47
5.1 前言...47
5.2 微藻藻细胞生长竞争基本模型.47
5.2.1 Logistic 模型 ...47
5.2.2 Lotka-Voltera 双种竞争模型 ......47
5.3 竞争抑制参数计算与分析..48
5.4 微藻混合培养生长模型建立.....51
5.5 本章小结..55
第 6 章 结论与建议 ......56
6.1 结论...56
6.2 建议...57
插图索引 .....58
表格索引 .....60
参考文献 .....61
致谢 .....63
附录 A 外文资料的书面翻译 65
- 毕业论文-二级出水营养条件下产油微藻混合培养特性研究
毕业论文-二级出水营养条件下产油微藻混合培养特性研究.doc [24.09MB]