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关键词: 定子片;转子片; 级进模; Pro/E软件;排样
Abstract:This topic introduced the micro-motor decides, the rotor piece location levels to enter mold's ramming craft and the mold structural design, and carries on the level using the Pro/E software to enter the mold design, solved the mold row of type difficulty, the design mold organization has applied in the project practice, has had the good benefit. This article mainly introduced the modern mold's basic outline, the cold stamping mold's development condition as well as the characteristic, the level enters mold's concept, the work process and the characteristic, proposed this topic research's content as well as the selected topic significance, as well as this topic's entire design process, the data which provides according to the topic carries on the design, including: The design step pitch with the way which, the platoon specimen map design, to the ramming strength, the ex-denning strength, the ejecting force, the center of pressure, the blanking clearance, the raised lower die cutting edge size computation, press's choice, this mold's system design as well as the main spare part design is apart from surely.
Key words:Stator piece; Rotor piece; The level enters the mold; Pro/E software; Arranges the type
目 录
1 前言 …2
1.1 模具概述 2
1.2 级进模概述 ……3
1.3 Pro/ENGINEER的基础知识…4
1.3.1 Pro/ENGINEER的诞生…4
1.3.2 Pro/ENGINEER的功能和特点…4
1.3.3 Pro/ENGINEER在模具制造中的应用…5
1.4 课题内容选题意义 6
1.5 本章小结 7
2 微型电动机定子、转子片级进模设计 ……7
2.1 设计资料 7
2.2 设计步距与定距方式 …7
2.3 排样图设计 ……8
2.4 主要计算 ……9
2.4.1 冲压力的计算 9
2.4.2 压力中心的计算 10
2.4.3 卸料力与推件力的计算 ……12
2.4.4 冲裁间隙 ……12
2.4.5 凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算 ……12
2.5 压力机的选择 16
2.6 模具总体设计 18
2.6.1 模架 …18
2.6.2 卸料板 18
2.6.3 导柱和导套 …19
2.6.4 弹压装置 ……19
2.6.5 凹模 …19
2.6.6 定位装置 ……21
2.6.7 导料装置 ……22
2.7 主要零部件设计 ……22
2.7.1 线槽冲模设计 22
2.7.2 校正模设计 …26
2.7.3 小凸模设计 …27
2.7.4 转子片落料模设计 …28
2.7.5 异行孔冲模设计 ……29
2.7.6 切废模设计 …30
2.7.7 切断模设计 …31
2.8 本章小结 ……32
3 Pro/ENGINEER的模具造型 33
3.1 总装配图的建立 ……33
3.2 零件图的建立 34
3.3 本章小结 ……38
4 结论……38
参考文献 39
致谢 ……39
- 毕业设计-微型电动机零件的级进模具设计
- 毕业设计
- 表格
- 中期检查表1.doc [30.50KB]
- 指导检查工作情况登记表.doc [16.04KB]
- 选题审批表12.doc [20.02KB]
- 刘荣任务书12.doc [43.93KB]
- 刘荣开题论证审批表2.doc [33.99KB]
- 刘荣开题论证记录.doc [29.50KB]
- 成绩评定表.doc [36.00KB]
- 装配图.dwg [246.56KB]
- 转子片落料凸模10A3.dwg [77.78KB]
- 直径8mm的凸模9A3.dwg [60.56KB]
- 直径4mm的凸模7A3.dwg [61.56KB]
- 异形孔凸模8A4.dwg [63.53KB]
- 异形槽孔凹模13A2.dwg [66.03KB]
- 卸料螺钉04.dwg [66.53KB]
- 下模板A2.dwg [94.72KB]
- 排样图14A2.dwg [92.94KB]
- 模柄6A3.dwg [80.47KB]
- 定子片和转子片1A3.dwg [70.53KB]
- 第一快凹模11A2.dwg [65.53KB]
- 第二块凹1模12A2.dwg [75.50KB]
- 导柱2A3.dwg [65.53KB]
- 导套3A3.dwg [90.72KB]
- 10号碟形弹簧4A4.dwg [82.47KB]
- 7号碟形弹簧5A4.dwg [84.97KB]
- 08界毕业论文.doc [798.00KB]